Thursday, July 16, 2009


I often warn women who are contemplating marriage to marry someone whocan take care of them. When a woman marries, it ought to be to someone whois capable of taking her to the next level. If she comes from poverty,there is no reason for her to get married and still be impoverished. The role ofthe man is to take her to another place.When she gets married, she ought to dress better, drive better, livebetter, and eat better, not constantly be in a struggle over where her nextmeal is coming from. My grandmother used to say, 'I can do bad all by myself.¢For a woman desiring a mate, the objective, of course, would be to find aChristian man, who's settled, has goals, accomplishments and a job. Buta goal-oriented and focused man can't just be approached any kind of way.So the woman who seeks this type of stability must make sure that hestands out above the crowd:1. Make sure your relationship with the Lord is strong and growing.2. Make sure that you are presentable. Working from the inside out, yourpresentation should be representative of both who you are and whom youseek. Appearance is a reflection of how you see yourself.3. Have the ability to hold an intelligent conversation.4. And most importantly, allow the Holy Ghost to take control. Youdon't need to go after him. He's going to come after you, because after hesees and smells you and knows that you're in his presence, he's going towant to know who you are! I know there's somebody reading this who has beenchasing after the 'man of your dreams,' but God says, 'Just sit still and allowpatience to have her perfect work through Me. 'Furthermore, it's never a good idea to be too forward and too aggressive.Attempting to win a man's affection by jumping into bed with him willonly backfire and cause him to lose interest in ever developing a lastingrelationship. It causes him to lose respect for you and question yourcharacter..However, if he sees that you are dressed with quality, that you smelllike you are somebody, that you look like you're doing fine without him,then that will attract the right attention from him. He'll have no choicebut to give you his attention. Stop looking so needy, climbing into bed,trying in vain to capture a man's heart.God woke me up in the middle of the night and said, 'The same thingthat Naomi told Ruth to do is the same thing that I want them to do for me.'God is so sick of saints coming to Him trying to get a quickie andnever romancing Him for Who he is - going to church screaming, shouting andhollering, but hadn't been intimate with God all week long! Stop tryingto treat God like a sugar daddy and start romancing Him with worship andpraise: 'I'm yours Lord...everything I've got...everything I'm not!'The God we serve, which is the God of love, demands and requires of usforeplay before He gives us what we need. In the book of Ruth, themother-in-law tells Ruth, 'You have to wash.' John 15:3 reminds us, Nowye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. When you sitin the Gospel of Jesus Christ, you are taking a shower. When you hear theunadulterated Word of God, then the dirt and grime that you'veaccumulated all week long begins to wash off of you.Ask God to 'create in you a clean heart and renew a right spirit.'Stand in the word. Then wait upon the Lord to renew your strength. Passthis on to those who have found or are seeking Mr. Right. This message isnot directed at the receiver, it is directed to women I know that touchother young women that can benefit from this information. We are to beNaomi's of the world today. Our young women need to be informed of how to catchand keep a man that will respect them.P. S. Pass this on to every woman you know!"If he can't meet you where you are....leave him where he's at”

by Jamal-Harrison

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Success is not only gaining financial freedom or having enough possession. You can be successful emotionally, you can control your emotions, and you can make a choice of what goes on within you. What put us down some of the time are our negative feelings.

Negative emotions are dangerous to our health. When you are bitter things can get better. Negative emotions are not altogether bad but they are just regulations. If we can interpret them accurately whenever they show up and become sensitive to them, they can actually be channeled to achieve positive change. A negative feeling is a signal that something is wrong and that it requires attention.

Key 1: Identify what you are really feeling: Whatever you are feeling has a name and identifying it gives you the energy to deal with it. Below are some negative emotions

Anger: This is not bad but when it spins out of control, it leads to destruction.
Rejection: This is what you fell, when you are no wanted by somebody, it destroy self –esteem.
Frustration: It is the feeling of defeat or resignation.
Hurt: This usually come from our relationship.
Anxiety or worry: This is expecting the worst thing to happen
Inadequacy: This is low-self esteem. This is when you feel you cannot do something you want to do.

These are few among many but the good news is that, if you can’t change the happenings around you can change what goes on in you. Once you identify the problem it is half solve. Make a choice to be successful in your emotions. You can feel success.

R.D Solomon


Success is not only gaining financial freedom or having enough possession. You can be successful emotionally, you can control your emotions, and you can make a choice of what goes on within you. What put us down some of the time are our negative feelings.

Negative emotions are dangerous to our health. When you are bitter things can get better. Negative emotions are not altogether bad but they are just regulations. If we can interpret them accurately whenever they show up and become sensitive to them, they can actually be channeled to achieve positive change. A negative feeling is a signal that something is wrong and that it requires attention.

Key 1: Identify what you are really feeling: Whatever you are feeling has a name and identifying it gives you the energy to deal with it. Below are some negative emotions

Anger: This is not bad but when it spins out of control, it leads to destruction.
Rejection: This is what you fell, when you are no wanted by somebody, it destroy self –esteem.
Frustration: It is the feeling of defeat or resignation.
Hurt: This usually come from our relationship.
Anxiety or worry: This is expecting the worst thing to happen
Inadequacy: This is low-self esteem. This is when you feel you cannot do something you want to do.

These are few among many but the good news is that, if you can’t change the happenings around you can change what goes on in you. Once you identify the problem it is half solve. Make a choice to be successful in your emotions. You can feel success.

R.D Solomon


Success is not only gaining financial freedom or having enough possession. You can be successful emotionally, you can control your emotions, and you can make a choice of what goes on within you. What put us down some of the time are our negative feelings.

Negative emotions are dangerous to our health. When you are bitter things can get better. Negative emotions are not altogether bad but they are just regulations. If we can interpret them accurately whenever they show up and become sensitive to them, they can actually be channeled to achieve positive change. A negative feeling is a signal that something is wrong and that it requires attention.

Key 1: Identify what you are really feeling: Whatever you are feeling has a name and identifying it gives you the energy to deal with it. Below are some negative emotions

Anger: This is not bad but when it spins out of control, it leads to destruction.
Rejection: This is what you fell, when you are no wanted by somebody, it destroy self –esteem.
Frustration: It is the feeling of defeat or resignation.
Hurt: This usually come from our relationship.
Anxiety or worry: This is expecting the worst thing to happen
Inadequacy: This is low-self esteem. This is when you feel you cannot do something you want to do.

These are few among many but the good news is that, if you can’t change the happenings around you can change what goes on in you. Once you identify the problem it is half solve. Make a choice to be successful in your emotions. You can feel success.

R.D Solomon


Peace is what everyone is looking for in this trouble world
There are so many problems, tribulations and trouble in this life but the good news is that we can still live a life of peace.

Peace means calmness. Living a life full of calmness is achievable,
You can live a life without ups and down; this does not exclude you from challengers.
Even in the midst of problems and troubles, you can still be at peace. This kind of peace is the God kind of Peace. And you can experience it as well.

Peace of mind is what makes life more meaningful and exciting. Outside it, life is full of frustration and pain.

3 most common things that disturb your peace
Anxiety: This can also be liken as worries (i.e. fear of the future, worried about the bills, children school fees etc.) Anxiety shock and suffocate. It lead to hypertension, it was reveal that 40% of what we worry about never happen. When anxiety stop, peace comes in.
Hurry: Doing things that are bigger than you or your income can steal your peace. Go at your pace if you don’t want to loose your peace. Life is in phases but men are in sizes. When you jump in, you jump out. Don’t be in a hurry to be rich. Just go at your pace and be joyful. Don’t compare yourself with another. Be yourself.
Covetousness: This is dangerous to your health; it’s deceitful and full of sorrow. Covetousness is the desire for more material things and the cure is contentment. As you strive for more, be contented with what you have, as you think big; be contented with the little you have.
Applying this principle is what generates peace in you but He that giveth peace is the almighty God. You can live a life full of peace; you too can enjoy peace everyday of your life. Just ask God and he will release peace in your heart. When He (God) speaks He speaks peace to His people.

R.D Solomon

There are some questions that if you can’t answer, you will never amount to anything in life.
Question like: What am l living for (i.e what is my purpose on earth)?
This is the first question to greatness in life. Without purpose, there is no passion and you need passion for effective living.

Passion is the single fastest way to spur yourself to massive success.
It is doing something you love. Something you’re excited about. Something you can’t stop doing. Something you get up early to work on or to stay up late.
Passion is all you need. When you add it to what you are doing, there will be great result at the end.

Napoleon Hill said “The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of fire.” Nothing great was ever achieved without passion.

Creating great products and services, achieving significant feats in enterprise, becoming the best of oneself - all of this starts with a purpose. The most terrible man on earth is a man without a purpose for living. Show me a man of purpose and I will show a man of passion.

There is power in passion, without it, your effectiveness in life is not in view. Passion gets you committed to your assignment. Margaret Mead said “Never underestimate the power of a small but committed group of people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

